An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at Exeter Philharmonic Choir without having to regularly visit the website.
To make use of an RSS feed, you need some "feed reader" (or "aggregator") software. Most modern web browsers have feed readers built in.
The RSS feeds for Exeter Philharmonic Choir are listed below...
Promotes and develops the interests of the Choir by contact with interested parties, suggesting appropriate appointments, innovations and policies and, with the agreement of the Executive Committee, implementing these or having them implemented.
Conducts meetings of the Executive Committee.
In liaison with the secretary prepares the committee agenda and has it circulated at least one week before the meeting.
Ensures that the meetings are orderly and conducted in the normal manner of motions/amendments etc. being properly proposed and seconded.
In liaison with the secretary ensures that resolutions and decisions are implemented.
Advises the Choir of Committee decisions which need announcing/feedback.
Co-ordinates the actions of the officers appointed to the committee
With the President and Secretary makes the necessary arrangements for the AGM.
Arranges for, and attends as necessary, meetings of the various Subcommittees set up by the Executive Committee and forwards recommendations to be considered by the Executive Committee.
Oversees the process of liaison with non-Committee post-holders, in order to be able to advise the Committee of any issues or problems, as well as favourable feedback.
Manage the finances of the Choir in an efficient, effective and honest manner so as to try to secure a surplus balance of income over expenditure.
Report on the financial situation at every meeting of the Executive Committee and, as appropriate, recommend to, and be directed by, the committee on policy and detail.
Ensure that proper records are kept of all financial transactions.
Present the annual accounts for independent examination as at 30th June every year to the independent examiner appointed by the Executive Committee.
Bank all moneys promptly, transferring the excess over that needed for day to day running and upcoming bills to a deposit account.
Pay all bills promptly, if properly incurred as legitimate expenses and supported by an appropriate audit trail, including and especially any insurance premiums.
Ensure that all cheques paid in the name of the Choir are signed by 2 officers.
Submit an annual report to the AGM in the form of audited accounts, comments, explanations and recommendations.
Prepare details to be sent to members as part of the August Mailshot including e.g. subscription levels and dates for payment.
Collect all subscriptions due from members, follow up those who have not paid and advise the Executive Committee of the position and carry out the Executive Committee decisions in respect of non-payment.
Maintain an up-to-date record of all members of the choir by name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and voice part.
Provide and send introductory information to all new members, i.e. those who have passed their audition including details of concerts, dates, subscription, dress code, rehearsal times and singing days, and all rules of membership.
Introduce new members on arrival at rehearsal to the appropriate section leader.
In liaison with the Director of Music arrange auditions for new members and advise them of the result.
In accordance with a programme agreed by the Executive Committee arrange (with the director of music) to have re-auditions every five years.
Advise all those failing their re-audition.
Open up the rehearsal room for each Monday evening rehearsal.
Have available at each rehearsal/singing morning the full list of members (by voice part) for each individual to sign as attending.
Advise the Director of Music as requested of those members who have not achieved 80% attendance requirement.
Follow up those members who have not attended for three rehearsals or more to try and find the reason. The explanation to be reported to the Director of Music and the Section Leader. Similarly for those not reappearing for the new season.
Maintain a list of names of people wishing to join the choir and ensuring that as necessary, a waiting list is prepared once the membership of the choir has reached the maximum figure set by the Executive Committee.
Provide prospective new members with information about the choir.
Liaise with the Friends’ Club Manager regarding maintenance of past membership records.
Order, collect from and return music to the Music Library
Purchase and collect music from appropriate sources to sell to choir members having previously sought the number of people wishing to buy their own copies
Provide the relevant number of copies of sheet music for single choral items (e.g. for carol concerts)
Distribute the above music to choir members (usually the first day of term)and collect money from individual members to at least cover the cost of the hiring and purchase, passing this to the Treasurer.
Arrange to collect all hired music from Choir members, retain (if not borrowed from the library or other sources) and build up a choir music collection.
Keep records to enable individual copies and purchases to be traced Catalogue the retained music.
Distribute choir folders to members at a charge of £10. Order additional/replacement folders as necessary.
Pre Concert
Liaise with Secretary of Executive Committee about bookings made with the venue in advance of concert day, and in advance, check availability of team members and inform, and coordinate their work. On Concert day
Concert Management Team Coordinator ensures all the teams are in place and informed as appropriate, and oversees as necessary: layout team; reception team; catering team; front of house team
(Full description in documents)
Keep under review the seating arrangements at the concert/event venue and liaise with the Executive Committee and the venue on the total number of seats and the layout.
Liaise with the Treasurer and the ExecutiveCommittee on the seat and Supper Club prices.
Arrange for the tickets to be designed (ifnecessary) including the inclusion of sponsors’ names and logos. Consult and discusswith the Publicity team.
Liaise with any other agencies e.g. TicketSourceand the choir’s web team on the availability of tickets for the whole season.
Liaise with the Friends’ Secretary and the Sponsorship team in connection with ticket order dates for those groups which have priority booking.
Invite and encourage ticket orders from members of the choir.
Meet ticket orders received on-line, by email, post, in person or telephone and sort out queries.
Make arrangements with the Box Office in the city for ticket sales by them, how the income is to be provided to the choir and regular up-dating of the sales figures.
Agree details of the Supper Club with the hotel and the choir supporters managing this function.
Inform Concert Manager/volunteers how to set out seat/row numbering should this be necessary.
Receive cheques and cash as paymentfor tickets and pass these on to the Treasurer to be paid into the bank.
Liaise with Secretary and Executive Committee about the allocation of complimentary tickets for guests, communicate with gueststo ensure they are attending and send them their tickets.
Ensure that the ticket desk on the night is staffed and liaise with the person(s) on the desk in relation to tickets still available/to be collected etc.
Inform the Executive Committee of sales after each concertand any issues related to ticket sales needing to be addressed.
In addition the Ticket Officer will:
Contact soloists aboutanyrequirementfor accommodation on concert night and arrange hosts from the choir accordingly.
Liaise with soloists and orchestra about their agreement to be part of our concerts,as agreed in advance with the Director of Music. Exchangeappropriate contracts which are signed by them and us.
Advise the soloists and orchestra of rehearsal arrangements on the concert afternoon/day.
Appoint a Steward on behalf of the Choir to supervise the use of the Chapter House door especially to re-direct the audience to the main door of the cathedral as the point of entry.
Liaise with front of House Team about arrangements for the sale of Concert Programmes.
Ensure a person is appointed and in place on Chapter House door on concert evenings.
To take responsibility for collecting, cataloguing and storing material relating to the work and life of the Choir; at present this is mostly in paper form, though there are some recordings and increasing amounts of electronic material
To keep the History section of the Choir website under review and update it as necessary
To propose to the Committee and subsequently implement strategies and schedules for records management, including both paper and electronic materials and ensuring that a complete record is kept of concerts
To investigate and/or support others in investigating and recording the longer history of the Choir, especially in its first 100 years
To liaise with the Friends Club Manager to draw on the recollections and materials held by former Choir members at appropriate times
To receive gift aid declaration forms from every member of the choir unless they have indicated they do not wish to be included.
To submit a claim to HMRC with a spreadsheet listing details of each claimant, which includes their names, addresses, amounts and dates paid, as supplied by the Treasurer.
This is all done online soon after the end of each financial year, I.e. late April/early May. We can also claim on income received from other activities such as raffles, cash donations and sales.
Maintain accurate records of membership of Friends Club (Supporters and Patrons), including payment information.
Maintain contact with Friends through Newsletters, e-mails (where possible) and copies of brochures to keep Friends in touch with recent and future events for the Choir.
Agree arrangements for Friends’ priority booking of tickets with Tickets Officer and arrange to send new season’s brochure to Friends in a suitable timescale for this.
Remind Friends of the opportunity to get free tickets to after-concert socials and arrange tickets as necessary; make Friends attending these events welcome.
Liaise with organisers of Choir non-concert events to offer invitations and/or Choir rate prices to Friends.
Ensure suitable publicity for the Friends Club at Choir concerts and other events and through Choir members and brochures.
Contact Choir members who have recently left offering membership of Friends free to the end of the following Season.
• Source and promote sponsorship for concerts • Source and promote advertising in concert programmes • Liaise and correspond with sponsors and advertisers • Raise invoices for sponsors and advertisers liaising with Treasurer • Liaise with publicity team for advertisements in programmes • Liaise with the committee over the sponsorship and advertising rates • Liaise with any externally appointed sponsorship/marketing professionals
NOTE: We are looking for volunteers, ideally two people, to take on this role under the guidance of David Griffith.