All choir members take an audition with our Director of Music when applying for membership and after five years there is an informal vocal assessment to check that singers are still comfortable within their vocal range.
The audition lasts approximately 15 minutes and Howard aims to make the process as friendly and informal as possible. First you perform a short item of your own choice that you enjoy singing. Then there are technical exercises to establish your vocal range and finally there is a test of sight-reading when you are asked to sing a piece unknown to you. Our Membership coordinator will contact you shortly after your audition to let you know the result and give you feedback.
In addition, ‘Singing Mornings’ are held at a central Exeter location from 10.15 am to 1.00 pm on a Saturday approximately two weeks before each performance. These are essential preparation for each concert and all members are expected to attend. Singing Mornings also give members the opportunity for social interaction and fundraising for the choir with the sale of books, CDs, cakes etc.
Choir members are expected to attend all rehearsals, as far as possible, and take part in all concert performances in order to contribute to the Choir's continuing success and to support their fellow members in doing so.
We understand that occasionally, you may need to miss a rehearsal; to take part in concerts, members must attend no fewer than 80% of rehearsals, which include the singing mornings. This rule is strictly applied, however pressing and valid the reasons for non-attendance may be, with the full backing of the Director of Music and the committee. In exceptional circumstances, leave to sing may be granted with the Director of Music's agreement. This is to ensure that the choir’s high musical standards are maintained.
Frequently asked questions
How much does it cost to join the choir?
The subscription is £180 every year - which works out at under £5 per rehearsal. You can pay all in one go or in two payments. Students can join for just £35 per year. Please note that EPC does not operate as a 'pay per term' choir and new members are expected to pay for the whole year, using the payment methods as stated above.
We aim to be fully inclusive and if you feel that your circumstances make it difficult for you to pay the full rate, you can discuss this confidentially with our Treasurer.
Do I have to buy my own music?
You will have the choice to hire at a low cost, or to buy music in advance via our librarian.